
Polo Challenge 2013
Version 1.0 on 02/08/2016 by FuNK!


One car model (VW Polo GTI Cup from 2009) with 38 drivers/skins in total, templates and CarViewer (to preview your custom 
skins). The package contains all files and two readme-versions (this text version and one html version).

The Car:
The car model is a closely modeled version of the VW Polo GTI Cup from 2009. But because of various issues the physics are 
just lend from the Mini Challenge (Race07 base content) with just some slight adjustments. Anyhow the engine and gearbox were 
replaced with engine and gearbox based on the real Polo GTI!
Similar to the physics some 3D and 2D parts have to be lend from the base game. So the cockpit and some general textures were
taken from STCC2's VW Scirocco. See the licence statement for further comments on this.

Simply put the GameData and UIData folders into your Race/GTREvo Folder (e.g.: 'C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\race 07\').
Please remove any older version first (may no problem overwriting the old files but safety first!). 
No files should get overwritten if you are making a fresh installation of the mod.

Delete the folders called "VW_Polo_Cup" from GameData\Teams and GameData\Talent. Next step is to delete the 
following files from the UIData\Menu\textures folder:
- MenuButton_ClassSelect_VW_POLO_CUP_Disabled.tga
- MenuButton_ClassSelect_VW_POLO_CUP_MouseOver.tga
- MenuButton_ClassSelect_VW_POLO_CUP_Normal.tga

Please be aware:
This mod wasn't tested online and may not work online. If you experience such an issue, please tell me about it! If you
have an idea how to solve it, please tell me too! ;)
The included talent files aren't perfect but are fully fictional. Every talent uses verbose values, that's a drawback but
racing works fine and the AI doesn't crash that often. Feel free to improve the AI talent files and upload them as an update!
This mod supports custom skins via your Windows profile. Just put your skin into a new directory there and create an ini-file
containing the following (please change as required):


Above this you can simply copy one car from the teams folder (including the CAR-file) and just replace the skin with your own.
Just make sure to edit the CAR-file content with a text editor!

General things:
This mod uses the VW Scirocco from the STCC2 game addon as well as the sound of the Mini from the base game. If you don't 
have STCC2, you may not able to use this mod!

Template and painting tips:
If you want to make your own teams, use the included templates. You can paint the body, windows and intern windows. 
Additionally you are able to alter the way of reflections by using the BODY_R template. Please have a look at cars No. 
17/24/25/29 as reference and how to use the template.

With version 1.0 of this mod you got a Polo CarViewer. This car viewer is used to preview your skins and uses 3DSimEd.
To change the skin just rename the files in the directory to *.old and paste in your skin files using the default texture 
names. In 3DSimEd you just have to refresh the textures (or reopen the SCN file).

Put all custom skin files which belong to a car within the same directory and use the prefix used by your skin!

The provided templates are in native PSD and Gimp (XCF) format. You can choose your prefered program!


Polo GTI 3D Model donated by Matthi
VW Scirocco STCC2 3D cockpit parts and textures by Simbin
Skins by adrian7, Bech, Craig Hume, DTM_1997, Arne Heine (formulaHeine), Marttinni, Francisco Viterbo and FuNK!

Thanks to:
Simbin for the great game!
Matthi for donating his lovely modeled Polo Cup!
All skinners for their amazing support and great looking skins!
nogripracing staff for hosting and giving place to paste great screens =)
and all I missed ;)



You may use and upload this mod to what or whereever you want. But you take the responsability for those uploads! Latest
mod version will only be uploaded by me on nogripracing and/or racedepartment and/or others (TBA).
You are allowed to alter this mod without written permission, but please give credits!
Please note that any conversion to other platforms is only legit if you remove the contents created by Simbin! If you don't 
know how to identify them, just drop me a line - it's not that hard :P



Any questions? Just get in touch, I'm sure the answer is out there!